Day 94 Bar Harbor, Maine

Made it! Grand total of 5,020 miles. What an exhilarating feeling as we rolled down that last hill into Bar Harbor and saw the water. It hasn’t really sunk in that we’re actually finished though.

Here’s a picture at the finish line, taken by Rich’s wife Linda, who was waiting for us at the water.


I’ll post some more pictures and clean up / wrap up when I get a little time and some decent Internet access. Thanks to all of you who have been following along on our lunatic adventure. And make sure to catch the remainder of Rich’s journal at


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6 Responses to Day 94 Bar Harbor, Maine

  1. The Other Jack says:

    Good on you! Thanks for the vicarious ride. BTW I was able to get my deposit on the velvet ropes for the bathroom returned.

  2. Tim Cameron says:

    Congratulations! I’ve been following your blog ever since it came up during an online search for flooding on Lake Pend O’Reille. It has been entertaining following along. I look forward to your next adventure…?

    Tim in Seattle

    • jacktassos says:

      Thanks Tim! I’m glad you enjoyed sharing our experience. As for our next adventure, we haven’t talked about anything seriously yet but I’m sure the wheels will be spinning before too long

  3. Jesse Smith says:

    Hi Jack, Read you blog beginning to end. Just think, I could have saved all that money, time and sweat and experienced the whole trip just by reading your blog. I guess that’s because it was a well written piece of work that captured all the important stuff. You went too easy on me for almost causing us to miss the ferry to Kingsville. You should have given me a boat load of s#@t over that. If you come to Phoenix let us know and we’ll get the “Magnificent Seven” together for a little reunion.


    • jacktassos says:

      Thanks Jesse. I don’t think the awesomeness of what we accomplished has quite sunk in yet. I’ll let you know when I next get back to Phoenix. It would be fun to get together again.

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